Aircraft Insurance

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Comprehensive Cover in the Air

Aircraft Insurance

Aircraft insurance - also known as aircraft hull and liability insurance - provides cover for the risks associated with flying.

Whether you own a light aircraft, operate a commercial fleet, or something in between, our insurance policies have you covered. Depending on your level of insurance, this can include:

  • Accidental loss or damage due to events including bird strikes, weather or impacts
  • Accidental loss or damage to property or persons
  • Property damage including baggage and personal effects
  • Damage to flying clothing and equipment
  • Third part legal liability
  • Passenger legal liability

Who is this aircraft insurance cover for?

  • Aircraft owner, operators and renters
  • Owner pilots
  • Regional airline operators
  • Commercial general aviation fleets
  • Business aircraft jet and turbo prop operations
Fly with Confidence

Catalyst Aviation is one of the leading aircraft insurance companies in Australia.

If you have any questions about an aircraft insurance quote, or want to speak to one of our aircraft insurance specialists, call us on +61 (3) 9132 9350 or enquire online.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does aircraft insurance cost?

    The cost will depend on a number of factors. Here are some of the things we look at when putting together your aircraft insurance quote:

    Aircraft Type

    This includes aircraft age, make, model and modifications.

    Aircraft Value

    Typically, this is based on an agreed value prior to the quote.

    Pilot Experience

    We consider total flying time, time on different types of aircraft, time on the make and model of aircraft, and claims history.

    Aircraft Use

    Our standard use is private, pleasure and business, or ground risk only. However, we can provide cover for specialised uses including training, charter, aerial work etc.

    Insurance Claims History

    Past claims history for the owner, operator and/or business.

    Similar to general insurance, a premium is paid in exchange for an agreed level of cover. The premium is calculated based on a number of factors that influence the potential risks, including:

    • Aircraft type and model
    • Pilot history, age, and experience
    • Type and frequency of pilot training
    • Aircraft usage - private, for business or commercial
    • Aircraft activity - on the ground, taxing or in-flight
    • Claims history

    You can choose different levels of cover, from full aircraft hull flight risks insurance through to aircraft liability only insurance. Policies can include aircraft, pilots, passenger, hangars and more. Government taxes and government mandated insurance guidelines also need to be considered.

  • What does aircraft insurance cover?

    An aircraft insurance policy typically covers damage to the aircraft hull and associated legal liability that come with operating an aircraft. The amount of cover, type of cover and inclusions will depend on your policy.